Ski Report 3/12/2023

9:45am – GROOMED:

  • Starlight
  • Caboose and Cabin Lanes
  • Essex Road
  • Kendi’s Crossing
  • Pileated
  • Towering Pines
  • Highline
  • Essex Creek
  • Spring Hill Down
  • Lower Dickey Loop
  • River Trail
  • River Loop

6:30am no 5:30am no 6:30am – Daylight Saving Time…It was used on and off in the early 1900s, but there was no standard. For decades, Daylight Saving in the USA was a confusing patchwork of local practices. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act and made Daylight Saving the standard throughout our country. It was originally used as a way to conserve energy.

I know my energy would be way better if I got my normal amount of sleep last night.

Did you know???????????

It is Daylight SAVING Time, not SAVINGS. It was not intended to benefit farmers, that the agriculture industry was actually deeply opposed to it. Hawaii and Arizona (with the exception of the Navajo Nation) do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

*All DST info was gleaned from*

The moon is waning, you can’t quite tell in the pic below taken this morning but it is. It is snowing gently. It is 17 degrees on the back porch of the Inn. We are forecast for 40 degrees and a mostly sunny day. It is going to be sparkly and gorgeous out there. The groomer is having a good ol time making perfect corduroy for all of you.